What Does She Think About me?

Pawel L/pexels

I wonder about this, in your mind, what do you think about two women sat on the corner of an oplet saying nothing? I had thought so too, never going to happen, just silence like a rain on the morning without patter tones. That was my feeling about the situation. It is a kind of boring, so I decide to put my earphone on my ears and listen some fucking popular songs. That is Lady Gaga anyway.

With a woman next to me and still silence on the road, I made a glance and tried to smile at her. I feel it's like a terrible smiling, but whatever.

She nods and splutters at same time.

Do you know what the woman thought about me? In this fucking situation, I suppose the woman thought that I am spoiled, haughty, antisocial, and so on. It is very clear if you saw her goddamn face. She had a terrible face with a big nose and wide lips. And she wore a terrible dress with yellow flowers so make the dress sort of tacky. But she old woman anyway, around forty age who fucking care if she used the worst thing on her fat body. I mean, no one notice her anyway.

While listening to music, I smiled on her again.

He noticed and replied to me with smiling sincerely. That is sweet. Believe me! Then I realize the woman noticed something on me. I don't know what it is, but it's a kind part of insulted. 

After that, we looked away from each other. I felt humiliated. At this time, may be she mock me secretly because she saw my toothless teeth before. Uh, I bloody hate her. She had a terrible sense at keeping others’ feelings.

After a moment, she saw me again. Then she smiled.

O, shit! What the hell she looking for anymore! My swollen eye?

I was humiliated, so that I covered my eyes with palm and face down. It was fucking awful and ashamed me.

will be better for me to don't give a shit for her and focus on musics. Even though I always have thinking about it.

however although, I see her on corner briefly. "Fuck you!" I mumble with the lowest tone. "She rubs her cheek delicately. She must be proud with her smooth and soft fucking cheek. At the same time, she mocks my pimpled cheeks. "Goddammit! I hate her! really bloody hate her!"

I want to shout her out for impolite and humiliated me but she stopped the oplet then so that i have no occasion to scream on her.

She got off the oplet and paid some money to driver. then She goes and turns onto small alley.

The driver looked at me before the woman diseappear on alley. "You have to apologize!" He told me.

"What!" I cry.

"I said, you have to apologize to the woman!"

"Calm down, i knew what you saying! But, why? I don't have a thing on her!"

"Jesus! You should be fair to others, even in your mind!" He mumbled.

"What the hell of this!" I thought.

The woman still watched me and the driver who were arguing. I know what she is thinking right now. "Bad-mannered girl! Her parents must never teach ethics!" I know it. That is the exactly she was thinking about me. I am pretty sure.



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